Update History:Version 5.05.03 Release:•Fix the bug in the Internet Edition.Version 5.05.02 Release:•Reactivate the Internet Edition.Version 5.05.01 Release:•Reorganize the interface and streamline the program.•Add Sound Localization Test (Note that ASIO-based device is needed for Sound Localization Test).Version 5.04.02 Release:•Fix the program during session creation when the number of sessions are large. Version 5.04.01 Release:•Fix some bugs in the program. Version 5.03.01 Release:•Allow the database transfer between local PC database and central server database. •Fix the bug when an existing session is deleted for the internet-based version. •Allow the user to log out the internet account. Version 5.02.02 Release:•Automatically update the database for new version. •Automatically detect the multiple web server for central version. Version 5.02.01 Release:•Modify the database structure slightly to enable the addition of notes for each test results. •Add report printing functions for test results and summary results. •Note: The database for local version should also be modified. Version 5.01.03 Release:•Slightly modify the "User" management functions and add "menu" in the session dialog. •Use embedded HTML viewer for help files instead of using IE brower. •Add version detection in the program. •Add the missing DLL in the intallation file. Version 5.01.02 Release:•Allow dual database mode: Central Server and Local Server. •No Internet Connection is required for the Local Server version. However, the authorized testing module is required for running the local server version. Version 5.01.01 Release:•Initial release of i-CAST program. •5 different speech tests: vowel, consonant, voice gender, melody sequence and vocal emotion recognition test •Standardized and express test •Centralized database for all speech data. •Easily share the data among the users.